PAASI Family Therapy strives to bring a personalized, unique approach to every single person that we see. Many different therapeutic modalities exist because we are all different and cannot be treated the same. In our opinion, everyone is as unique as DNA, and we are here to find the best way to help you. We do not have a set way to treat a specific type of distress. Instead, we set out to learn who you are and why you are in distress, then we help you find ways to decrease your level of distress. Life is unpredictable, but that does not mean you are alone in the chaos or distress. We are here for you!
We offer in person and technology assisted therapy sessions. Depending on your situation and location, we will assess your needs and make recommendations for the best delivery of therapy to the best of our ability. We work on a sliding scale in payment options because we believe in helping people. Anything we can reasonably do, we will. Give us a call today to set up an appointment or to learn more about what PAASI Family Therapy can do for you.
In addition to traditional therapy, we offer neurofeedback. NeurOptimal neurofeedback gives the brain a mirror, allowing it to become aware of shifts in its electrical activity. As it is alerted to shifts, the brain is then paying attention to itself and makes adjustments. The brain always wants to stay in comfort. When the brain is able to see processes in real time, it is able to adjust processes that are not comfortable. NeurOptimal is a practitioner-free neurofeedback system that leaves the decision-making to each unique brain to do what is best for itself.